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CR Edit Type/ Error Code CR Message Program Condition How to Fix
C/R 023 Incorrect Low Tuition & Fees Code/Correction Applied Pell The Cost of Attendance as reported by the school (either in the record or as previously reported) is greater than the low tuition threshold or the student's EFC is greater than the Low Tuition and Fees minimum amount for the award year.

If the school has chosen to have COD correct its records, COD will set Low Tuition and Fees to blank.

Note: Edit 023 will not be triggered for incoming Pell awards for the 2008-2009 award year and forward.
Review the COA and EFC and confirm. If correct, no action required. If incorrect, update and resubmit.
R 024 Reported CPS Transaction Number Does Not Match CPS Pell/TEACH Grant/Direct Loan/Direct Loan PLUS There are three separate conditions that would return this edit.
1. This edit applies to NEW students and NEW awards. A NEW student is defined as a student whose SSN does not already exist in COD.

A NEW award is submitted for a NEW student, AND the combination of SSN, DOB and Last Name (Pell only) does not match that SPECIFIC Transaction Number on CPS for that award year*.

2. This edit applies to EXISTING students with a NEW award. An EXISTING student is defined as a student whose SSN already exists in COD.

A NEW award is submitted for an EXISTING student, AND the combination of SSN, DOB and Last Name (Pell only) does not match that SPECIFIC Transaction Number on CPS for that award year*.

3. A CPS Transaction number change is submitted for an EXISTING student and award, AND the submitted Transaction number does not exist in CPS for that student.

If the award period extends across July 1, COD will attempt to match the Student Identifier (SSN, DOB and Last Name) on CPS from two award years. If the academic begin date is prior to July 1, 2010 and the academic end date is after July 1, 2010, COD will attempt to match the Student Identifier on CPS for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.

NOTE: Applicable for all award years for Pell, Direct Loan Sub and Unsub, and TEACH. Applicable for Direct Loan PLUS and Grad PLUS for Award Years 2011-2012 and forward.
Compare SSN, Date of Birth and Last Name combination reported in the Common Record to the same data elements on the student's ISIR based on the reported CPS Transaction Number. If any of these identifiers do not match, resubmit with the corrected data.

Review the Reported Transaction Number and ensure that you have an ISIR record on file for the student with that transaction number. If incorrect, update the Reported Transaction Number and resubmit.
R 025 Duplicate Match on CPS Pell/TEACH Grant/Direct Loan/Direct Loan PLUS The Student Identifier -- SSN, Date of Birth, first two characters of Last Name, and CPS Transaction Number combination reported in the COD Common Record has two or more matches on CPS.

NOTE: Applicable for all award years for Pell, Direct Loan Sub and Unsub, and TEACH. Applicable for Direct Loan PLUS and Grad PLUS for Award Years 2011-2012 and forward.
  1. Go to the COD Website and view the batch that contains the rejected record.
  2. Click on the award with the Edit 025 reject.
  3. Click "UPDATE RECORD".
  4. Click "VIEW CPS MATCHES" button.
  5. Review and choose the CPS transaction you are using to establish student eligibility.
  6. Review the SAR ID and award information for accuracy and continue processing.
C/R 026 Incorrect Secondary EFC Used/Correction Applied Pell Ensures the reported Secondary EFC Used Code is valid. The valid values are "O", "S", and "Blank." "O" is only valid if the value currently on the COD system is "S". If the school has chosen to have COD correct its records and an invalid value is submitted, COD will correct to the value currently on the COD system or to blank.

NOTE: Not applicable for Award Year 2005-2006 and forward.
Review the field for the correct value and resubmit.

Ensure the value is S if you are using the Secondary EFC; or O if you originally reported you were using the Secondary EFC and are now using the Original EFC.
C/R 027 Incorrect Payment Methodology/Correction Applied Pell If ANY of the following are true:
  • Academic Calendar = 1, and Payment Methodology <> 3 or 5
  • Academic Calendar = 2 - 4, and Payment Methodology = 4
  • Academic Calendar = 6, and Payment Methodology <> 4
  • Academic Calendar = 5, and Payment Methodology = 5
If the school has chosen to have COD correct its records and the submitted value is a change and Accepted PM is valid with current AC then COD will set to previously accepted value. Otherwise, if Accepted AC = 1, 2, 3, or 4, COD will set Accepted PM to 3. Otherwise, COD will set Accepted PM to 4

NOTE: Not applicable for Award Year 2004-2005 and forward
Review the field for the correct value and resubmit.
C/R 028 Incorrect Academic Calendar/Correction Applied Pell If the Academic Calendar is not equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6:

If the school has chosen to have COD correct its records and if Academic Calendar invalid or BLANK, correct in the following order:
1) If Academic Calendar invalid or BLANK, then set accepted value to previous value on database (for change records) or
2) If AttendedEntity ID default Academic Calendar populated, then set accepted value to default.
3) ELSE If Reporting Entity ID default Academic Calendar populated, then set accepted value to default.
4) ELSE If Payment Methodology = 4, then set accepted value to "5".
5) ELSE set accepted value to "3". If the school does not accept corrections, reject the record.

NOTE: Not applicable for award year 2004-2005 and forward
Review the field for the appropriate value and re-submit.

Ensure that the value is either Blank if Award Type is not equal to Pell or correct type to:

(1) if you measure academic progress in Credit Hours -non-standard terms;
(2) if you measure academic progress in Credit Hours -standard terms of quarters;
(3) if you measure academic progress in Credit Hours -standard terms of semesters;
(4) if you measure academic progress in Credit Hours -standard terms of trimesters;
(5) if you measure academic progress in Clock hours;
(6) if you measure academic progress in Credit Hours without terms
C/R 029 Invalid Weeks of Instructional Time in Program's Definition of Academic Year/Correction Applied Pell If the accepted 'Payment Methodology' is "1" and the reported Weeks of Instructional Time Used to Calculate Payment is not BLANK, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set the value to BLANK.

If the accepted Payment Methodology is "2" and the reported Weeks of Instructional Time Used to Calculate Payment is not "00" - "29", for schools accepting corrections, COD will set value to "29".

If the accepted Payment Methodology is "3", "4" or "5" and the reported Weeks/CalcPayt is not "00" - "78" or greater than Weeks of Instructional Time in Program's Definition of Academic Year, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set Weeks of Instructional Time Used to Calculate Payment to Weeks/Program

If these conditions are met and the school is not accepting corrections, COD will reject the record.

NOTE: Not applicable for Award Year 2004-2005 and forward
Verify that the Payment Methodology and Academic Calendar are correct.

Correct the Payment Methodology, Academic Calendar and/or Weeks of Instructional Time and resubmit.
C/R 030 Invalid Weeks of Instructional Time used to Calculate Payment Pell If the accepted 'Payment Methodology' is "1" and the reported Weeks of Instructional Time Used to Calculate Payment is not BLANK, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set the value to BLANK.

If the accepted Payment Methodology is "2" and the reported Weeks of Instructional Time Used to Calculate Payment is not "00" - "29", for schools accepting corrections, COD will set value to "29".

If the accepted Payment Methodology is "3", "4" or "5" and the reported Weeks/CalcPayt is not "00" - "78" or greater than Weeks of Instructional Time in Program's Definition of Academic Year, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set Weeks of Instructional Time Used to Calculate Payment to Weeks/Program.

If these conditions are met and school does not accept corrections, COD will reject the record.

NOTE: Not applicable for Award Year 2004-2005 and forward
Verify that the Payment Methodology and Academic Calendar are correct.

Correct the Payment Methodology, Academic Calendar and/or Weeks of Instructional Time and resubmit.
C/R 031 Invalid Credit or Clock Hours in Program's Definition of Academic Year Pell If the accepted value for Academic Calendar is "1", "2", "3" or "4" and the Credit or Clock Hours in Program's Definition of Academic Year is not BLANK, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set the value to BLANK.

If accepted value for Academic Calendar is "5" and the Credit/Clock Hours in Program's Definition of Academic Year is less than "900" or greater than "3120", for schools accepting corrections, COD will set the value to "900".

If accepted Academic Calendar is "6" and the Credit/Clock Hours in Program's Definition of Academic Year is less than "24" or greater than "100", for schools accepting corrections, COD will set to "24".

If these conditions are met and the school is not accepting corrections, COD will reject the record.

NOTE: Not applicable for Award Year 2004-2005 and forward
Verify that the Payment Methodology and Academic Calendar are correct and our assumption is correct. If this is correct, no further action is necessary. If it is not correct, update the Payment Methodology and Academic Calendar and Cr/Clock Hours and resubmit.
C/R 032 Invalid Credit or Clock Hours in all Payment Periods Expected to Complete this School Year Pell If the accepted value for Academic Calendar is "1", "2", "3" or "4" and the Credit or Clock Hours in all Payment Periods Expected to Complete this School Year is not BLANK, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set the value to BLANK.

If accepted Academic Calendar is "5" or "6" and Credit or Clock Hours expected to complete this Award Year is not between "0000" and accepted Credit or Clock Hours in program's Definition of Academic Year, for schools accepting corrections, COD will set Credit or Clock Hours in all payment periods expected to complete this School Year to Credit or Clock Hours in program's Definition of Academic Year.

If these conditions are met and the school is not accepting corrections, reject the record

NOTE: Not applicable for award year 2004-2005 and forward
Verify that the Payment Methodology and Academic Calendar are correct. If it is not correct, update the Payment Methodology and Academic Calendar and/or Credit/Clock Hours and resubmit.
R 202 Cannot submit more than one tag for Published Program Length. DL More than one of the following fields are submitted on a Direct Loan Award:
  • Published Program Length Years
  • Published Program Length Months
  • Published Program Length Weeks
Only one of the above fields may be submitted for DL origination or maintenance.

NOTE: Applicable for Award Year 2014-2015 and forward only.
Review the record to determine which Published Program Length fields were submitted. Correct the record so that there is only one then resubmit.
R 203 Incorrect Special Program submitted DL The award contains an invalid Special Program and Student Level Code combination. If the Special Program submitted is 'T', 'P', 'A', 'B', or 'U', COD will perform one of the following validations:
  • If the Special Program is 'T' or 'P,' Student Level Code must be 5.
  • If Special Program is 'A,' Student Level Code must be 0-2.
  • If Special Program is 'B,' Student Level Code must be 0-5.
  • If Special Program is 'U,' Student Level Code must be 0-1.
If any of the above criteria are not met, Edit 203 will trigger.

NOTE: Applicable for Award Year 2014-2015 and forward only.
Resubmit with a valid Special Program and Student Level Code combination.
R 206 The Remaining Subsidized Eligibility Period is less than zero for this award. DL - Sub The student's Remaining Subsidized Eligibility has been calculated as less than zero with the submission of this award. For a Direct Subsidized Loan to accept, the calculated Remaining Subsidized Eligibility Period must be greater than or equal to zero.

NOTE: Applicable for Award Year 2014-2015 and forward only.
This or another subsidized loan has resulted in a less than zero Remaining Subsidized Eligibility Period for this loan. The student is not eligible for additional subsidized loans for this program.
R 208 Incorrect Student Level Code submitted. DL The combination of Student Level Code and Program Credential Level submitted on the award is invalid. COD performs the following validations on Student Level Code with Program Credential Level:
  • If Student Level Code is 0-5, Program Credential Level must be 01-04 or 99
  • If Student Level Code is 6-7, Program Credential Level must be 05-08
If any of the above criteria are not met, Edit 208 will trigger.

NOTE: Applicable for Award Year 2014-2015 and forward only
Resubmit with a valid Student Level Code/Program Credential Level combination.
R 209 Invalid value submitted for Weeks Programs Academic Year. DL The value submitted for Weeks Programs Academic Year is less than 26.

NOTE: Applicable for Award Year 2014-2015 and forward only.
Review Weeks Programs Academic Year submitted. Update with a valid value and resubmit.